Almost March Already!

A quirky sculpture at the entrance of a private property on the way to the coast

A quirky sculpture at the entrance of a private property on the way to the coast

Where has the summer gone?  It has been an incredibly hot summer here with very little rain and quite a few bush fires - some of which were not far away from our property, so we have been on high alert at times.  I have had a break from painting due to christmas holidays and an injury in my left arm.  I have bursitis in my shoulder and tennis elbow both in my left arm and I am totally left handed and of course it is very painful to paint and  have to rest it.  Needless to say it has been very frustrating and I have tried all kinds of treatment but I think rest and gentle exercises are the best options.  It has improved a little and I can now paint about 30 minutes a day.  I have been working on a large 2m long painting which was commissioned from a client in  Europe - a family portrait and If I get permission I will post a series of photos of the process.